10 Fun and Engaging Classroom Games Without Any Supplies

In today's fast-paced digital world, it's easy for kids to get caught up in screen time and lose touch with classic, interactive games. If you're on the lookout for exciting games to incorporate into your ministry that don't require supplies, look no further! The good news is that you don't need fancy equipment to have a blast in the classroom. We've compiled a list of ten fantastic games that require zero supplies, ensuring endless fun and learning for kids of all ages.

10 Fun and Engaging Classroom Games Without Any Supplies kids ministry

The types of activities you choose will depend on the age of the kids in your classroom and the amount of space you have to work with. Try them out to find which ones fit your kids and space best.

Print this game list out and have it available in your classroom for you and your volunteers to use for every program. Go the extra mile and laminate it to make sure it stays around and doesn’t get thrown away,

1. Simon Says - Follow the Leader

Simon Says is a classic game that never goes out of style. It's not just about following commands but also an excellent way to improve listening skills in a playful setting. Choose one child as "Simon" and watch as the others eagerly mimic their every move. Pro tip: Use biblical characters or stories as commands to tie in a spiritual touch!


  • Choose one child to be "Simon."

  • As "Simon," give simple commands starting with "Simon says" (e.g., "Simon says clap your hands" or "Simon says touch your nose").

  • The other kids must follow the commands only when "Simon says" at the beginning.

  • If "Simon" gives a command without saying "Simon says," anyone who follows the command is out.

  • Continue playing until there's one child left or rotate "Simon" for more fun.

2. 20 Questions - Brain Teaser Bonanza

Ready to stimulate those young minds? 20 Questions is the perfect brain teaser game for your kids' programs. Let one child think of an object, person or animal while the rest of the group takes turns guessing what it could be by asking yes-or-no questions. It's a fantastic opportunity to encourage critical thinking and teamwork while having loads of fun!


  • Have one child secretly think of an object, person or animal (or Bible character!)

  • The rest of the group takes turns asking yes-or-no questions to guess the mystery item (e.g., "Is it an animal?" or "Is it from the Bible?")

  • Encourage critical thinking and teamwork among the kids to narrow down the possibilities.

  • The child who guesses correctly gets to be the next "questioner."

3. Charades - Act It Out!

Unleash the creativity of your little actors with a game of Charades. Prepare a list of biblical scenes or themes on small pieces of paper and have the kids silently act them out for others to guess. This interactive game will boost their communication skills and deepen their understanding of Bible stories.


  • Prepare a list of biblical scenes, themes, or characters on small pieces of paper and put them in a hat or container.

  • One child picks a piece of paper and silently acts out the scene or character while the others guess.

  • Set a time limit (e.g., 1 minute) for each turn to keep the game moving.

  • Encourage the kids to cheer and support the ones acting to boost their confidence.

4. I Spy - An Adventure in Observation

Get ready for an adventure of observation! "I spy with my little eye, something that is..." - you fill in the blank! Have the kids guess the object or item based on your description. It's a fantastic game to develop attention to detail while keeping the excitement level high!


  • Say, "I spy with my little eye, something that is..." followed by a clue about an object in the room (e.g., "something red" or "something round").

  • The kids take turns guessing what the object is based on the clue.

  • The child who guesses correctly gets the chance to be the next "spy."

5. Hangman - Spelling and Scripture

Let's combine spelling and Scripture knowledge with a friendly game of Hangman. Choose words or phrases from the Bible and challenge the kids to guess the letters correctly. This game will not only reinforce their spelling skills but also help them recall key verses from the Bible.


  • Choose a word or phrase from the Bible and draw a series of underscores on the board to represent each letter.

  • Have the kids guess letters one at a time.

  • If a letter is correct, write it in the corresponding blank space.

  • If a letter is incorrect, start drawing a "hangman" on the board.

  • The kids must guess the word before the "hangman" is completed.

6. Duck, Duck, Goose - Active and Engaging

Time to get those little feet moving! Duck, Duck, Goose is a high-energy game that will keep your kids engaged and active. Gather the children in a circle and watch as they chase each other in a fun, spirited manner. It's a great way to burn off excess energy and foster friendships within your ministry group.


  • Gather the kids in a circle and have them sit down.

  • Choose one child to be the "tagger" who walks around outside the circle, gently tapping each child's head and saying "duck" for each tap.

  • At any point, the tagger can say "goose" when tapping someone, and that child becomes the new tagger, chasing the first child around the circle.

  • The goal is for the tagger to sit down in the newly vacated spot before getting tagged.

7. Statues - Freeze and Have Fun

It's time for some musical statues! Play some upbeat tunes and watch the kids dance around. When the music stops, they must freeze like statues. The last one to freeze is out! This game encourages self-control and quick thinking in a fun and playful manner.


  • Play some music and have the kids dance or move around the room.

  • When the music stops, they must freeze like statues and not move until the music starts again.

  • Anyone caught moving after the music stops is out.

  • Continue playing until one child remains.

8. Hot Potato - Pass the Laughter

Who doesn't love a game of Hot Potato? Create a sense of anticipation as the "potato" is passed around the circle while music plays. The child holding the "potato" is out when the music stops. It's a delightful way to keep the kids entertained and teach them to think on their feet.


  • Gather the kids in a circle and pretend to pass an imaginary "hot potato" or any object of your choice.

  • Play music while they pass the "potato" around the circle.

  • The child holding the "potato" is out when the music stops.

  • Keep playing until one child is left, and they become the winner.

9. Storytelling - Collaborative Creativity

Fuel their imaginations with a collaborative storytelling session. Begin a story with a few sentences, and then let each child add their own twist. Witness the magic unfold as they create captivating narratives together, all while honing their storytelling and listening skills.


  • Start a story with a few sentences, setting the scene or introducing a character.

  • Have each child take turns adding one sentence to continue the story.

  • Encourage the kids to use their imagination and creativity to shape the narrative collaboratively.

  • Keep going until the story reaches a natural conclusion or time allows.

10. Categories - Test Their Knowledge

Challenge their knowledge and quick thinking with a game of Categories. Pick a theme, such as biblical animals or a person from the Bible, and have the kids take turns naming items within that category. This game sharpens their memory and keeps them engaged in a lively way.


  • Pick a category related to your ministry's theme or Bible stories (e.g., biblical animals, fruits of the Spirit, or Bible characters).

  • Have the kids take turns naming items within that category.

  • If a child can't think of an item or repeats something already said, they are out.

  • Continue playing until one child remains or switch to a new category.

With these ten no-supplies-needed games explained, you are well-equipped to create a vibrant and spiritually enriching experience for the kids in your ministry. Incorporating these fun and engaging activities inspire laughter, teamwork, and a deeper understanding of biblical concepts. So, go ahead and infuse your kids' programs with these exciting games, knowing that you're positively impacting their spiritual journey and fostering lasting memories.

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“Will there be Taco Tuesday in Heaven?” - The AI Kids Pastor


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