5 MORE Ways To Have A Sustainable Children's Ministry in 2023 - Part 2


A sustainable children's ministry is an essential component of any church. A well-designed children's ministry program helps instil values and teachings that can positively shape a child's belief and character. A sustainable children's ministry program is designed to meet the needs of the children, their families, and the church community in a lasting and meaningful way. Here are some key factors to consider when building a sustainable children's ministry:

  1. Family Involvement

    Recognize the vital role parents and families play in the spiritual development of their children. Provide resources, such as take-home materials, newsletters, and parent seminars, to support parents in nurturing their child's faith. Create avenues for parent-child interaction, such as family worship services or events, to strengthen the family's spiritual bond. The church can also provide opportunities for families to serve together.

    Involving families in the ministry is essential for sustainability. When families are involved, they are more likely to feel invested in the discipleship of their children, and they are more likely to encourage their children's spiritual growth.

  2. Evaluation and Improvement

    To ensure the ministry is sustainable, it is crucial to continually evaluate and improve it. Leaders must be open to feedback and willing to make changes to improve the ministry's effectiveness. The church must have a system for gathering feedback from volunteers, parents, and children. This feedback can be used to identify improvement areas and make changes to the program.

    Assess the impact of your programs, curriculum, and teaching methods. Use the insights gained to make informed decisions and adjustments to enhance the quality and relevance of your ministry.

  3. Resources

    Ensure your children's church ministry has adequate resources to sustain its activities. Allocate a budget for your team's curriculum materials, supplies, and ongoing training. Seek financial and logistical support from the church leadership, encourage financial support from the congregation, and explore partnerships with organizations that share your vision.

    Resources are more than just financial support; they can also include facilities and equipment. The ministry must have a plan in place for how to obtain and manage these resources effectively. The church should also be able to adapt and adjust its resource needs as the program grows and changes.

  4. Collaboration

    Collaboration with other ministries and organizations can strengthen the sustainability of a children's ministry. Working together can lead to shared resources, ideas, and expertise that can benefit the ministry and the children it serves. Collaboration can also help to build relationships between different churches and organizations and can help to foster a sense of community.

  5. Outreach and Community Engagement

    Extend your ministry beyond the church by actively engaging with the local community. Identify the needs of children and families in your area and develop initiatives to address them. Collaborate with local schools, community organizations, and social service agencies to support families and provide resources. Organize events like Vacation Bible Schools, community carnivals, or service projects to connect with families who may not regularly attend your church.

    The title says 5, but I had to add one more…

  6. Prayer and Spiritual Guidance

    Last on this list, but not least by any means. Integrating prayer into every aspect of the children's church ministry. Dedicate time for prayer before and during your programs.

    Prayer acknowledges the dependence on God for guidance, wisdom, and provision. By seeking God's direction through prayer, you actively involve Him in the work being done within the church ministry.

    Prayer fosters unity and harmony among your leaders. When individuals come together in prayer, they align their hearts and minds towards a common purpose, creating a sense of community and shared mission. It creates an atmosphere of interconnectivity and support, nurturing a culture of love, care, and empathy.

    Prayer invites the Holy Spirit to move and work within the church, bringing about transformation, growth, and revival. It opens doors for God's supernatural intervention, leading to impactful ministry outcomes and changed lives.

    Ultimately, praying for the church ministry acknowledges the vital role of God in its success, cultivates unity among believers, invites divine intervention, and demonstrates a heart of service toward others.

In conclusion, a sustainable children's church ministry requires careful planning, dedicated leadership, and a commitment to children's spiritual growth and well-being. By involving parents and families, reaching out to the community, continuously evaluating and improving, securing support and resources, and seeking spiritual guidance through prayer, you can lay the foundation for a thriving and sustainable ministry. Remember, a children's church is not just a program; it is vital to cultivating faith and shaping the church's future. Let us embark on this journey together, building a sustainable children's church ministry that impacts generations to come.


Book Recommendation

Sustainable Children’s Ministry: From Last-Minute Scrambling to Long-Term Solutions

by Mark DeVries and Annette Safstrom


"Who is Jesus" - The AI Kids Pastor


The Power of Scripture Memorization for All Ages