5 Ways To Have A Sustainable Children's Ministry in 2023 - PART 1


A vibrant and impactful children's ministry is crucial to any church community. It provides a nurturing environment for children to grow spiritually, learn about God's love, and develop a lifelong relationship with Jesus. However, certain key elements must be in place to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of a children's church ministry. This article will explore the essential components that contribute to a sustainable children's church ministry. Whether you are starting a new ministry or looking to enhance your existing one, these insights will guide you in creating a dynamic and lasting impact on the lives of children and families in your congregation.

  1. Leadership

    This is likely you (assuming you are a children's ministry leader reading this). Strong and committed leadership is crucial for building a sustainable children's ministry. Leaders must have a heart for children and have the skills to create a positive and nurturing environment. Leaders must motivate volunteers, communicate effectively, and lead by example. They must also be able to identify and develop potential leaders within the ministry.

    Leaders need to be able to recruit dedicated volunteers by sharing the church's vision so that they are willing to joyfully invest their time and energy into partnering in the discipleship of the next generation.

  2. Vision

    A clear and compelling vision is essential for any sustainable children's ministry. The vision should focus on the spiritual growth and development of the children and align with the church's overall vision. The vision must be communicated clearly to the parents, volunteers, and children involved in the program to ensure everyone is on the same page.

    Having a clear vision and purpose provides direction and focus for your ministry. It helps you define what you aim to achieve and the values you want to instil in the children.

  3. Volunteer Recruitment and Retention

    Recruiting and retaining volunteers is crucial for a sustainable children's ministry. The ministry must have a straightforward process for identifying, training, and supporting volunteers to ensure they feel valued and equipped to do their work. A sustainable children's ministry is one where volunteers feel appreciated and supported and where they can form lasting relationships with the children and other volunteers. The ministry must also have a system in place to recognize the contributions of the volunteers.

  4. Safe and Welcoming Environment

    Creating a safe and welcoming environment is paramount. Ensure that your facilities are well-maintained, child-friendly, and meet safety standards. Conduct background checks on volunteers and implement safety protocols, such as check-in/check-out systems, to ensure the security of the children. Foster a welcoming atmosphere by greeting families warmly, providing clear information, and making children feel comfortable and included.

    The safety of the children should always be a top priority.

  5. Curriculum

    The curriculum is the backbone of any children's ministry. It should be biblically sound, age-appropriate, and engaging for children. The curriculum should also be flexible enough to allow for customization based on the needs of the children. A sustainable children's ministry is one where the curriculum is regularly reviewed and updated to remain relevant and effective.

    Engaging Worship and Teaching: Design worship experiences and teaching sessions that capture children's attention and foster their spiritual growth. Incorporate elements like lively songs, visual aids, object lessons, and hands-on activities. Encourage active participation, ask open-ended questions, and create opportunities for children to share their thoughts and insights.

    Age-Appropriate Curriculum: Develop or select a curriculum tailored to the different age groups you serve. The curriculum should align with your church's teachings and be engaging, relevant, and developmentally appropriate. It should include interactive lessons, activities, and resources that help children understand and apply biblical principles.

Considering these key factors, a sustainable children's ministry can continue to thrive and provide a meaningful spiritual experience for children and their families. A sustainable children's ministry is built on a solid foundation of vision, leadership, volunteer support, safety, curriculum, family involvement, evaluation, resources, and collaboration (check out our other article for more sustainable tips). When all of these factors are in place, a sustainable children's ministry can have a lasting impact on the children and families it serves.


Book Recommendation

Sustainable Children’s Ministry: From Last-Minute Scrambling to Long-Term Solutions

by Mark DeVries and Annette Safstrom


"Are There Dinosaurs in the Bible?" - The AI Kids Pastor