KidzMatter's I Love Kidmin Community


The mission of KidzMatter is to equip and empower the global kidmin community. We believe that each child is uniquely designed and that all children's ministry workers have the potential to make a lasting impact in the lives of children. We want to help equip and empower kidmin leaders so that every child has the opportunity to experience God’s love and be transformed by it.

KidzMatter does this by providing resources and training to equip kidmin workers. We offer a quarterly magazine, KidzMatter Magazine, which provides articles, resources, and advice to help you in your ministry journey. KidzMatter PRO is our membership program which offers ministry coaching, resources, and specialized training. Kidmin Academy is our 12-month diploma program where you can get certified in children's ministry. Global Kidmin Day is our annual day of training for kidmin volunteers. Finally, The KidzMatter Conference is our annual conference for children’s ministry leaders and their teams.


This group is not run by the Kids Church Library. This is just a community board of awesome groups for kidmin leaders.


Stuff You Can Use: A Children's Ministry Community


Family Ministry Support