How To Keep Your Smal Chirch Kidmin Fresh, Fun, and Fruitful

Have you ever felt like it doesn't matter what curriculum you choose, you are having to adapt it to fit your small church? What if I told you that there are alternatives to the traditional curriculum that can keep your Kidmin filled with fresh creative ways for volunteers to teach God's word, fun activities to keep kids engaged, and "good fruit" being produced in the lives of the kids and families? Discover how short-term themes may be the solution for your demographics and unique circumstances.

To access the FULL training for Children’s Ministry Leaders, please click here!

Downloadable handouts, outlines and resources that go with the playlists, available at Handle with Care.

Check out these other YouTube Playlists that Leann has put together

Leann Woelk is a Children's Ministry Specialist who serves as Mission Canada's Next Gen Children's Coordinator for the PAOC. She is a speaker, writer, certified INCM Coach and provides training, support and care to those on the front lines of children's ministry as the Founder of Handle with Care Ministries.


A Powerful Resource for Preteen Ministry Leaders!


Moving Forward in Your Children’s Ministry