Heart to Heart Prayer for Childrens Ministry Leaders

 Psalm 46:10 – Be still and know that I am God.

In the busyness of life and ministry, we often don’t take time to stop and be still to hear from the Lord.  Come learn how God has designed you to uniquely to hear and respond to Him by using the 5 senses He created you with to meet with you personally and intimately. It’s time for a Heart to Heart talk with the Lord. 

To access the training course for Children’s Ministry Leaders, please click here

Leann Woelk is a Children's Ministry Specialist who serves as Mission Canada's Next Gen Children's Coordinator for the PAOC. She is a speaker, writer, certified INCM Coach and provides training, support and care to those on the front lines of children's ministry as the Founder of Handle with Care Ministries. https://handlewithcareministries.com/


5 Pillars of Children’s Ministry


The Spiritual Formation of Kids