Who is Jesus?

8 Week Video Curriculum for the Season of Easter

Journey with us over 8 weeks with the help of our new friends, Nick O’Demus and Maggie Dalene to discover: Who Is Jesus? There is also a bonus lesson for Good Friday!

Take a look at the next curriculum in the series, “Who is the Holy Spirit”


Welcome to ‘Who Is Jesus?’ a labour of love, to help children take a deep dive into the Gospels to discover that Jesus is our Leader, Teacher, Miracle Worker, Healer, King, Servant, Saviour, Risen Lord and Friend. This curriculum is meant to lead you in and out of Easter, with 9 lessons in total, that cover 8 weeks with lesson 7 designed to be taught on Good Friday, lesson 8 on Easter and then the Road to Emmaus on the very last week. However, it can be used anytime in the year as well, as 9 straight Sundays or in a mid-week program too. ‘Who Is Jesus?’ offers both an in person and online curriculum that can be used simultaneously. The videos are spliced in sections for easy use for live kids’ church, and the entire video is available for your families to just watch on whatever outlet your church provides for home viewing. 

Note from the creators…

As the creators of ‘Who Is Jesus?’ we not only wanted to teach children Jesus’ stories but frame it in such a way so children understand where in the Bible these stories take place. We purposefully reference the New Testament, the four gospels, the four authors and the actual scripture reference to encourage you to take the time to teach the children how to look it up in a paper Bible. I understand that sword drills are so 1980 but knowing how to handle your Bible is still an important skill. We may be fighting a losing battle trying to teach children to look up scripture the old-fashioned way, but we are willing to go down fighting. Who’s with me? 

Each lesson has a teacher devotional, entitled GETTING YOURSELF READY written by my colleague and published author, Laurel Archer, who also wrote all the Bible stories and closings as well. Read them, let them speak to you as you prepare your heart to teach children. Honestly, they are transformational.  We all can be changed by who Jesus is.  We have also provided a resource list entitled GET EVERYTHING ELSE READY so you can click a picture of it on your phone and head to the resource room, the dollar store, or your junk drawer at home (if you know, you know).  All the slides and resources are there to make your prep easy. The lessons can be edited to fit your situation.  If you don’t break up in small groups, then you can do the entire lesson in the same room. If you don’t have time for all the games, cut one out. Whatever suits you. If you want to use your own worship music that your kids are familiar with, fabulous, go for it! 

Watch for our upcoming series entitled ‘Who Is the Holy Spirit?’, which will be a road trip through the book of Acts. It is expected to come out August/September 2022. Enjoy the curriculum, may it bear much fruit, it is our pleasure to share it with you. Pass it along to a friend! 

We are better together,

Jenni Colwell, Family Life Pastor

Christian Life Assembly, affiliated with the PAOC 

Langley, British Columbia, Canada


Nick O’Demus is a curious young man who goes in search of answers about who Jesus is. He recruits his cousin Maggie Dalene to help him find answers. In each episode Maggie sends Nick to meet someone new who sheds more light on who Jesus is, helping him get to know Jesus in deeper ways. Nick ponders what all of it means and together Nick and Maggie lead the children to understand more about Jesus too. 

Videos include:

  1. Question of the Day – Nick O’Demus is on a journey to discover who is Jesus? Maggie sends him a link to the Story of the Day

  2. Story of the Day - Animated Bible Story

  3. Mission of the Day – Maggie Dalene sends Nick out to meet a guest who can help him to discover who Jesus is

  4. Verse of the Day – Memory verse

  5. Guest of the Day – Nick meets a guest who enlightens him about the Bible Story

  6. Your Mission – Game or gimmick element for kids to participate in

  7. Mission Accomplished – Nick and Maggie come together to discuss what Nick has learned

  8. Closing Prayer Moment – Jenni summarizes the day and closes in prayer


Super Siblings


The Prayer Covenant