The Prayer Covenant

11 Week Curriculum Teaching Kids to Pray

The Prayer Covenant is a discipleship tool that not only teaches children how to pray but walks them through spiritual truths that will shape their view of how much God loves them and is for them and partners with them. Featuring both full video lessons to post online in addition to written lessons for in-person teaching.


As Family & Children’s Pastors, and as parents, we have partnered with The Prayer Covenant Movement ( ) to help you engage children to pray.  This is an invitation for children to experience prayer like never before. Jesus invites them into the presence of their Heavenly Father, reassuring them of his never-ending love and his desire to hear from them daily.  The Prayer Covenant is a powerful tool in the hands of a child, so we wrote an online and in-person curriculum to help you as a leader to teach them how to pray.  The first 10 lessons walk the children through the 10 points of the prayer covenant: Grace, Love, Compassion, Repentance, Worship, Commitment, Dependence, Influence, Discipleship and Authority.  The Finale Lesson encourages children to partner with someone to pray. Having a prayer partner is so powerful, and to have one as a child is an incredible gift.


Take a look and the professionally animated Bible stories that are part of each lesson!

Each week has the following content:

  1. Leader Devotionals 

  2. Online videos to post on your church website, Instagram, Facebook or YouTube page

  3. In-person curriculum so that your online audience and in-person audience are learning the same content, including resource pages

  4. Daily Social Media content to encourage parents to be the primary spiritual influence in their child’s life


  1. What’s For Breakfast? - An introduction where sisters Rachel and Abi introduce the prayer point of the day over breakfast.

  2. Worship - An opportunity for the children to worship to a song that corresponds with the prayer point. 

  3. God’s Big Story - An animated version of the Bible Story of the Day

  4. Don’t Forget It! -  An explanation of the Memory Verse

  5. Make It Stick! - The Object Lesson of the Day

  6. The Prayer Chair - An explanation on how to pray that prayer point of the day from Laurel’s Prayer Chair

  7. Creation Station - Allie and Jacob lead the children in creating something to make the lesson stick

  8. Send Off - Rachel and Abi conclude the lesson with a summary and a challenge


  1. Getting Yourself Ready: A leader devotional to help prepare your heart to teach the lesson.

  2. Getting Everything Else Ready: The complete supply list for the entire lesson.  You may not have time to do every part of the lesson, so we have divided it up so you can pick and choose what activities you would like to do. We recognize that some may only have an hour service and others longer, so there are lots of choices for you to choose from. 

  3. Watch This: Refers to video content that corresponds with that title. This video will be the same as one of the segments in the online version and it will help inform the next part of the in-person lesson. 

  4. Read This: This will help the live host/ leader know what is coming next and inform what he/she needs to do.

  5. Prepare This: This is exactly what the leader will need to prepare in order to execute the following teaching, game or activity.  

  6. Say This: This is the script that the live host/ leader will say to the children.

WORSHIP: We have included a worship folder for you to choose whatever songs you prefer or you may want to do live worship or your children’s favourite songs.  In the lesson we have done our best to correspond the worship song with the concept that they are learning - eg. GRACE - This is Amazing Grace.

RESOURCES: A folder of handout or worksheet for children to complete in a small group setting.

EXTRA RESOURCES: Our partners at The Prayer Covenant have amazing resources that are available to order or you can download them for free.  We highly recommend that each child receives the prayer covenant card to take home and one to leave at church for use in their small group prayer time.

This series was produced by Christian Life Assembly in Langley, BC

If only someone would have introduced me to the Prayer Covenant as a child – it would have been a game changer!
— Jenni Colwell - Langley, BC
It’s hard to express the joy I felt that came from hearing how families were sitting around their tables discussing and applying ways to strengthen their relationship with Jesus through prayer. It was heartwarming to see the posts on our FB group from prayer chairs, prayer journals, prayer raps, forgiveness chains, children worshiping, and one of our leaders was inspired to make an original prayer rap that we shared with our families! The prayer covenant ran for 11 weeks, but the lessons they learned will impact their families for a lifetime!
— Darlene Nagy - Nanaimo, BC

Who is Jesus?


Who Is The Holy Spirit?